Storage Business Package (Missouri)

This package contains essential forms to help a storage business owner properly provide storage services and minimize the potential for litigation. A variety of agreements is included, to cover the various types of property that may be stored in the course of business, as well as deal with customer defaults. The documents in this package include the following:

1. Notice of Belief of Abandonment of Leased Premises

2. Automobile Storage Agreement

3. General Storage Agreement with a Warehouse Company for Storage of Goods

4. Storage Services Contract

5. Lease for Storage of Goods

6. Lease of Storage Space for Food in a Frozen Food Locker

7. Lease of Storage Space with Warehouse Company

8. Warehouse and Storage Agreement

9. Notice of Sale to Satisfy Lien of Self-Service Storage Facility

10. Lease of Storage Space for Household Goods


Download: Storage Business Package (Missouri)

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