Letter to debt collector telling them to correctly apply your payment

Use this form to notify a debt collector they violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Receiving notice from a consumer makes it more likely a debt collector will comply with the FDCPA. If they don't comply after receiving notice, your notice letter may help prove that their actions were intentional.

If any consumer owes multiple debts and makes any single payment to a debt collector with respect to such debts, the debt collector may not apply such payment to any debt which is disputed by the consumer and shall apply such payment in accordance with the consumers directions.

Use this form to notify a debt collector they misapplied your payment and direct them to reapply your payment correctly.

This form also also includes follow-up letters containing a warning that the debt collector may face going to court if they continue engaging in behavior that violates the FDCPA. (more...)

Download: Letter to debt collector telling them to correctly apply your payment

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