Home > Forms > Personal > Powers of Attorney > AU Power of Attorney Forms > Victoria Enduring Power of Attorney (Financial)
Victoria Enduring Power of Attorney (Financial)

Make an Enduring Power of Attorney (Financial) with this template set of forms for Victoria residents.
- You can choose to have the Power of Attorney become effective immediately, or at a date you specify, or on the occurrence of a specific event, such as if you become incapacitated. In the latter case, if you regain your legal capacity, the Enduring Power of Attorney becomes ineffective again.
- An Enduring Power of Attorney allows you to choose one or more persons to manage your financial and legal affairs for you if you become unable to do so for yourself.
- An Enduring Power of Attorney (Financial) CANNOT be used to make medical treatment or guardianship decisions for you.
- The package contains instructions on how to complete and execute the power of attorney, as well as information for your attorney and witnesses.
- It also includes a Revocation of Enduring Power of Attorney (Financial), in case you want to revoke the document at some point.
Victorian Enduring Power of Attorney (Financial) with Revocation Form is a downloadable and fully editable Australian legal form.

Download: Victoria Enduring Power of Attorney (Financial)
Available from: MegaDox.com
SKU: 7567
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