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PEI Notice of Termination by Lessor (Landlord)

Do you have a tenant you need to get rid of? Serve them with this Notice of Termination by Lessor of Rental Agreement, under the Prince Edward Island Rental of Residential Property Act.
This Notice of Termination can be used for tenants who:
- have not paid the rent,
- have behaved in a manner that has disrupted other tenants,
- have damaged the rental property or failed to keep it clean,
- failed to pay the damage deposit,
- misrepresented the property to a potential renter or purchaser,
- endangered the safety or impaired the legal rights of the landlord or other tenants,
- have too many people living in the premises,
- are in violation of provincial health or safety standards,
- assigned or sublet the premises without permission,
and to terminate the lease for other reasons allowed under the Act. This
Form 4 Prince Edward Island Notice of Termination by Lessor of Rental Agreement is a free PDF download.

Download: PEI Notice of Termination by Lessor (Landlord)
Available from: MegaDox.com
SKU: 1514
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