Home > Forms > Legal Forms > Software Licensing Forms > New Zealand Software Licences > New Zealand EULA for Downloadable Software
New Zealand EULA for Downloadable Software
Create an EULA (End User Licence Agreement) for downloadable software with this template form for New Zealand software developers.
- The EULA allows an online visitor to download the software product for use on a single computer.
- The EULA contains a disclaimer of any warranties (in other words, the program is provided 'as is') and limitation of liability clauses to protect the developer.
- Technical support is NOT provided as part of the licence.
New Zealand EULA (End User Licence Agreement) for Downloadable Software form is provided in MS Word format and is easy to download and use.
Download: New Zealand EULA for Downloadable Software
Available from: MegaDox.com
SKU: 6376
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