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New Brunswick Cohabitation Agreement

The New Brunswick Marital Property Act does not apply to common law couples. That's why you and your partner need to sign a Cohabitation Agreement.
- This Agreement sets out each partner's legal rights and obligations with respect to child support, estate rights and jointly and separately owned property.
- Each partner continues to own the assets he/she brought into the relationship, and any assets acquired during the relationship are jointly owned by both partners.
- Each partner is solely responsible for his/her own debts and financial obligations.
- The partners agree to jointly raise and support the children they have together.
- Each partner waives any right to any inheritance left to the other partner by a will or under the laws of succession.
- This document comes with a Certificate of Independent Legal Advice for each partner. You must see a lawyer and get independent legal advice before you sign the Agreement.
Protect your property rights - get the New Brunswick Cohabitation Agreement for you and your partner.

Download: New Brunswick Cohabitation Agreement
Available from: MegaDox.com
SKU: 7995
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