Home > Forms > Property > Commercial Lease Forms > India Commercial Lease Forms > India Deed of Sublease
India Deed of Sublease

Sublet all or part of a commercial business premises in India with this Deed of Sublease.
- Taxes and Charges. The sublessee agrees to pay all taxes, levies and charges payable on the subleased premises proportionate to the area that the subleased premises bear in relation to the total of the leased premises.
- Indemnification. The sublessee agrees to indemnify the sublessor against any loss or costs suffered as a result of the sublessee's breach of Indian law or of the sublease or the Deed of Lease (head lease).
- Default. If the sublessee fails to pay the rent or commits any breach of the sublease or the head lease, the sublessor has the right to retake possession of the premises.
India Deed of Sublease is an English language template form and is fully editable to meet your specific needs.

Download: India Deed of Sublease
Available from: MegaDox.com
SKU: 8801
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