Home > Forms > Personal > Marriage and Family Law > Canada Family Law Forms > Alberta Cohabitation Agreement
Alberta Cohabitation Agreement

Do you and your significant other live together? Are you planning to? If you live in Alberta, you should sign this Cohabitation Agreement.
- A cohabitation agreement is an effective means for any couple to determine what happens with respect to property division and spousal support if they split up.
- The Alberta Matrimonial Property Act does not apply to common law couples. An agreement can ensure that your home and other assets are divided fairly.
- You can also set out how your children will be raised, supported and cared for.
- Before signing, you will need to see a lawyer to obtain independent legal advice. For your convenience, the template includes a Certificate of Independent Legal Advice for each party.
If you're not sure how your joint property will be dealt with if your relationship ends, get this
Alberta Cohabitation Agreement. Then sit down with your partner and customize it to fit with your wishes and needs.

Download: Alberta Cohabitation Agreement
Available from: MegaDox.com
SKU: 3477
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