Home > Forms > Personal > Marriage and Family Law > Canada Family Law Forms > Alberta Adult Interdependent Partner Agreement
Alberta Adult Interdependent Partner Agreement

Common law opposite-sex or same sex couples can qualify for certain rights and benefits under Alberta law by signing an Adult Interdependent Partner Agreement.
In order to be eligible, you and your partner must:
- be emotionally committed to one another,
- share each other's lives,
- function as an economic and domestic unit, and
- must not be married to another person at the same time.
Signing this Agreement means:
- You and your partner are obligated to financially support each other.
- You can register for joint coverage under Alberta Health Care.
- Both partners are eligible for insurance coverage currently available to spouses.
- Partners are entitled to all or part of a deceased partner's estate if he/she died without a will.
- Other rights and privileges available to married couples.
This template conforms to the statutory form required by provincial law for an Alberta Adult Interdependent Partner Agreement.

Download: Alberta Adult Interdependent Partner Agreement
Available from: MegaDox.com
SKU: 4010
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